
XBot - the 2013 development for Arduino and all microcomputer fans. Just need 6 I/O on a less than 7x8 cm board using less than 0.2A.

Sensors fit nicely on a connector in front. See Didel main page or here


Documentation under process. See Didel main page or here



DidelBot - a small robot with many features.

General documentation

Documentation générale

Liste des documents distribués avec le robot

Few pieces left for collectionneurs

Wellbot Pic 16F2650 with Pinguino or Microchip downloader

Wellbot AVR

Wellbot Stamp

An easy kit that match your preferred processor, and will save you money not having to buy batteries



The SMD components are already soldered, and the transmitter is fully assembled. The through-holes components are soldered in 1-2 hours, and more than 2000 kids have soldered the Bimo during workshops or at home.




The Rhodo is amazingly small and fast. It makes autonomous moves or is IR controlled with the Bimo transmitter (Emir2).

Few pieces left for collectionneurs

Didel was selling in 2000-2002 two small robots the Swibot SST and the Swibot-Stamp, perfect to get familiar with robot behaviours, programming and interfacing. There were many small robots available. Look at the comparizon (and check also the power consumption). We do not remove the documentation below, it can give you ideas. The motors are still available from Didel.

Old products, not available, but the doc may interest you

Swibot-SST - The small, easy to control robot

The Swibot-SST is a complete kit simple to assemble at competitive price (112 USD). Its local processor (16F84) is programmed with a built-in obstacle avoidance program (see the video-380k) and an infrared control within the demo program (see the video-1100k) It can be controlled from a PC through the RS232 serial line.

Swibot-SST is a real battery saver: the 9V battery will last for 10 hours motor running, and the robot will bip every 20 seconds for one week if you forget switching it off. The SST is a cost-effective design, compare with equivalent robots

Documentation is in English. See the more complete description with pictures


Swibot-Stamp - The smallest and lowest cost Stamp robot

The Swibot-Stamp has to be fully programmed in Basic, like the many available Basi Stamp robots. It is very low cost 73 USD only. Its advantage is the small size, and low power motors. The 14 free lines of the Stamp are available on extension connectors. See the more detailed description.

Documentation is mostly based on the Stamp documentation.

La documentation est disponible avec des exemples de programmes en Français. Voir la description.

A nice accessory of the Swibot was the gripper. The gripper has a magnet and can lift and deposit appropriate objects.

We pioneered robots while at the EPFL. The 1 cubic centimeter record, the Cyclope, the successful Khepera.
Web was not yet available by that time, but we have souvenir links:

We have other robot project. Come back to Didel page from time to time.

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Last update: 08.05.02/jcz 100601/jdn