Xbot Family
The Xbot follows several robots that were abandoned because they had an outdated processor or motors that were too slow or not reliable enough.
The Xbot database has benefited from this experience and meets the needs of many teachers and “makers”. See
The structure of the card is typical of most robots: 4 lines controls the motors, 2 lines read the whiskers, are found as LEDs and push button on the LcBot card, and used to complete the exercises of the MOOC EPFL Comprendre les Microcontrôleurs.
The Xbot is supplemented with sensor modules that are comfortably installed on a front connector. An Arduino board accepts a limited number of I/O, and target an educational purpose. One sensor at a time is studied and tested. Each sensor allows creative behaviors. Users can easily adapt the Arduino examples, or use Didel LibX libraries and examples.
The Xplus is an Xbot with the AVR328 Arduino Uno microcontroller integrated on the board. Uno software written for the Xbot is compatible and Xbot sensors are usable. A plus are the encoders that measure the distance. One possibility is to control the card as an I2C slave, that is control the motors and sensors with a “modern” microcontroller, using I2C / SmBus controls.
The Xgo is a barely larger size to ship a Raspberry with a reliable and discreet connectivity. It integrate the traditional robot sensors, a linear camera and a 4-digit display. It has 4 processors that interact via I2C/SmBus.